You would think Nottingham to Derby is a pretty easy one... Not with us! We like to take detours, we like to see people, we like to share the love. So instead of taking the Olympic Flame straight to Derby, we went first up North, then back round!
Our first show was in Bolsover. It was excellent. The crowd was a bit rowdy but it's what we like! I had some people shouting my name so I guess I'm famous there.
We even had a little session with the police. These guys on this tour are the best, mega friendly! They got so excited they left their door open, "tut tut tut officer!":
I didn't even know we were in the Peak District. I like this traveling business, I'm learning so much. At the end of the tour we should all have a British geography quiz, I will smoke everyone!!! Anyways, the 2 most important things you need to know about the Peak District is:
1. You will see a lot of douchebags with big rucksacks on!
2. In some places, it STINKS of poopoo.
Here we are on a cloudy day:

Our last show was in Buxton. It was pretty mental. I made a few new friends:
Hey you guys

The torchbearer was loving it too:

And some more friends:

The Olympic Flame arrived in Derby, safe and sound. So did we, very tired, hungry and grumpy.
In Derby, I even got the chance to see the most amateur percussion band ever! They were so bad but at the same time so cute. They made quite a few mistakes. I'm really rubbish at rhythms so I shouldn't put them down. Here they are, smiling and not caring:

My voice is gone, my body is knackered, but what a day!