I've realised I only start taking pictures in the afternoon. I think in the morning I feel too tired to think about anything. So your town won't feature if I'm there before noon, sorry.
Ok, if you are ever in Melton Mowbray, go to this sandwich shop! Best salmon and cream baguette in the land. I struggled to finish it and I have a big appetite! Respect to Gracies sandwich bar:
In the afternoon, we had our last show in Stamford. Now that's a nice city! Check it:
We also had Jess (one of the ladies that look after us) carrying the torch. She is looking pretty happy. Go on Girl!
In the evening, we had the best time ever! We went go-karting in Peterbrough!
It all started with Sam showing how to drive a car like a real man! You can't really see on the picture but it was actually pretty exciting, loads of smoke and bad smell! He didn't even need that much encouragement... Sam if you read this, you've made it, congratulations! Some people would die to be featured on this blog!!!
Here is the gang all ready to take over! We were all dressed up with the Mario Kart theme but since my costume was rubbish, there's no picture! I wish it had been as easy as on the console, I couldn't throw any bananas or red shells so I was a little lost (I will smoke anybody at the real Mario Kart, let it be known).
This is ??? going fast and being blurry!
That was so much fun!!! Oh the excitement when you take over fools!!!
Not bad for a Tuesday night!
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