Flo in L.A

Flo in L.A

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Sunday, 29 July 2012

#OTR Day 72: Wrap Up Special!

We finished the Olympic Torch relay 2 days ago. It's 10pm and I'm in bed, too tired to even think about what has just happened! My life seems empty, everything is going very slow.

This is the end of the adventure but it's not the end of the blog. Hopefully someone will give me a new exciting job so I can tell you all about it! I will try not to write any of the boring things I do in my normal life such as training, pasta lunches or flossing my teeth 3 times a day (that would be a bit dull wouldn't it?).

Anyways I would like to thank everybody that has helped me staying sane for the last 3 months: my London Fam for the shelter and the laughs during rehearsal, all the performers and staff on the Relay, all my friends that made the effort to come see me. I owe you guys!

I also would like to know who's been reading this blog... I know (and hope) loads of my friends and family do but if we have never met or if you have any questions, I am on facebook: Flo Gonthier. Make sure you send me a message.

Let's finish on a positive note. This the only video I took of the whole tour but it was worth it! It sums up how much fun work has been. It was filmed somewhere in Wales but can't remember where exactly:

I hope someone got the subliminal message about giving me a new exciting job!

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