Travel day to WHERE?!?! That's right, the Shetland Islands!!! (wikipedia is your friend)
Today was good, we just traveled to the Shetland Islands... But traveling is hard and I've been extremely tired lately. What's wrong with me? I keep on falling asleep. I'm a drama queen.
Anyways, we took the plane from Glasgow Airport. It's funny when you travel with the torch, everyone is so nice to you. We got priority boarding and people were queuing to have a picture. The flame is the ultimate chat-up line, it will improve your game drastically!
Go on Dad, you make sure the picture is nice.

So we boarded onto the smallest plane ever. There was a famous journalist with us but since I don't remember his name, who cares?!
A small plane indeed.

So here we are on the Shetlands, it's beautiful, very green but also very windy and pretty cold. It looks a lot like Norway and it feels like another world where everything runs slower. The most important facts about the Shetlands are:
-The sea is always less than 5 kilometers away.
-This is the Northest land of the British state.
-There is a strong viking heritage.
-There is a Shetland Storytelling Society, which takes part in local events across the isles and beyond, regaling audiences with folklore favorites such as trowie tales.
Here are my fav pictures of the island:

Finally, the best photo of the day. It's good on too many levels. I'm wearing the Scottish costume, I'm holding the torch, the blazon of the viking ship is gangsta, I look too camp:

Today we're doing nothing but tomorrow we shall do some work...
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