Do you know? It's funny because I've always wanted to visit Durham. I travel quite a lot up North and when I have the chance to take the train, Durham looks amazing!!! (It's not always about megabus). With the Cathedral on top of town, it just looks attractive!
Well today I'm double lucky. I have a 2nd day off and it's in Durham.
So I made sure I had a little walk into town. Here are the pictures I took with my camera phone, yes we keep it high quality!

So the cathedral is regarded as one of the finest examples of Norman architecture and the Normans are kind of French so we kind of rule so I kind of win! Thank you.
On my way to Middlesbrough, I looked for a castle that I never found. I love it when there a sign showing you the way and then at the next roundabout, there's no help whatsoever... Anyways, I found this on the side of the road. It's a really strange scarecrow, it's not even inside the field, and what's with the flags everywhere? If I had to offer an interpretation, I'd say it's a (realistic) portray of the racist people...
Not only scaring the crows here mate!
Yes, we are living the life...
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