Flo in L.A

Flo in L.A

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Saturday, 19 May 2012

#OTR Day -1: Chilling at Land's End

So today was the last day before it all kicks off!

We’ve stayed in this caravan camp site called Seaview Park. The food is not the healthiest but if you like fried, battered or pastied meat, you’re in heaven!!! It’s been hard to get those 5-a-day…

We’re staying in small cabins and it’s a good message for the fatties out there because all we had was small doors, small showers and small bedrooms!

Have a good night on your kid’s bed:

We had a little briefing in the morning and a chat about how to handle a vehicle breakdown (all I remember is that if anything goes wrong, call the mechanics!).

The performers just chilled for most of the morning. Josh at the front is just happy to be alive…:

In the evening, another walk to Land’s End pole with the sunset and the homies Dorian, Kate.

I look like I’m not a nice person.

Tomorrow we start the tour; we do the 1st ever show of the Olympic Torch Relay at 5.30am. You might see us on TV getting our groove on!

1 comment:

  1. The bottom photo is too much. All black plus the shades. Fresh.
