Flo in L.A

Flo in L.A

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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

#OTR Day 12: Chester to Stoke-On-Trent

I said yesterday that I was tired, Well to top it up I’ve had a pretty bad night, you know when you wake up at 4am for no reason and you can’t sleep and then at 6am you pass out and at 7 your alarm goes on and you’re like what’s wrong with me!?! Yes, it was one of those.

We‘ve had a nice day though. Our 1st show in Welshpool was really good, loads of kids and they got hyped… It was very funny! I wanted to take a picture but we got carried away!

Today we’ve kept on crossing boarders, England/Wales/England/Wales, you don’t even know where you are anymore. We did end up in Shropshire:

We were also in this county. I don't know why I'm topless, don't ask.
"Crackers in Powys" (hiphop joke!):

We drove past the Rowton Castle. We got told they used to have monkeys there just to entertain the guests (now it's called TV). They’ve given us a booklet too about the history of the building but it’s pretty boring, forget about it… Anyways, it’s me there, looking like a cloudy head:

Our second show was in Ironbridge, I wanted to visit but I was so tired I had a fat nap instead!!! We had a walk around though and saw the whitest calypso band ever, I guess it's good to promote cultural diversity:

Finished the day with training in the hotel lobby. It’s great when people come out of the lift, they want to say something but they don’t really dare. And I just smile at them and they smile back:

Finally, award for the worst hotel so far goes to the “Quality Hotel” (ironic name really) in Stoke on Trent : weak 'drip drip' shower , mega hot rooms, keys that don't work... GLAMOROUS!

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