Flo in L.A

Flo in L.A

Google Website Translator Gadget

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

#OTR Day 3: Exeter to Taunton

I have loads of pictures for this one!!!

It was a beautiful day. We started in Exeter, not too early, woke up at 5.50am haha.

Im going to try to keep it short because a picture says a thousand words (a movie is 24 pictures a second, 120 minute long, imagine how many pictures there are in a film, basically don’t read books, just wait for the DVD).

The day started on a grey note. Cows in the mist!

But when the sun came out… WOW, Devon is pretty!!! For some reason I felt like I was in France, am I getting homesick? Am I missing Mummy? Am I still French? Tracy said the other day (see #day1) that she forgot how strong my accent was… Everyone knows that I can speak English properly and that I just keep the accent for the ladies!!! Yeee maaaate!

Anyways, when the clouds finally disappeared, it looked a little like this!
 And like this:
The best looking village so far as got to be Lynmouth!!! Reminded me of Villargondran, my actual village back home. This Lynmouth: 

We even got the chance to drive as an official convoy vehicle. So funny, I haven’t waived my hand that much in my life!!!! Where’s Wally taking a picture of us?

Finished the day with chocolate cake… The lady brought custard just for me because I’m sexy or something, maybe the accent?!?

Also, Josh’s got my blog bookmarked on this phone, he deserves to be on:


Welcome to Somerset!

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